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Succulents - suddenly cool
You see them all over…previously as single plants in boring pots, now as fancy arrangements or as vertical art.
The succulents are easy to propagate and fairly inexpensive. As many of the Succulents are hardy, they are cool in the garden, but you can actually use them as in-door decorations. On top, you need to check out the new “Air Plants” – the correct name is Tillandsia – a plant that actually live without soil and almost without water.
The “Air Plants” arrangements that I have seen on the Garden Shows are very expensive, but it’s really easy to do yourself.
Your Lena

Succelent Arrangement
Behind the Reception, at the Sheraton Frankfurt Airport hotel in Germany you will find this beautiful Succulent Arrangement. Actually, it’s not just one, no – there are around 10 of them in a row, in small “light” boxes that are built into the wall. Impressive and elegant. I have tried out similar arrangements and you can keep them for ever, as long as you don’t give them too much water. If you would like to get some more inspirations, I have tons of ideas on Pinterest:

Air Plants - Tillandsia
Succulents needs very little water, but Air Plants – or the correct name Tillandsia – need almost nothing at all. It’s not really something for the garden, more Decoration, Art and Flower Arrangements for indoor.
You will find quite some Arrangements in Garden Centers, often with driftwood, however, but the absolutely trend it’s to use Air Plants into Wedding decorations and even the Wedding Bouquets. I have collected to best ideas for you on Pinterest. Check-it out:

For the Garden
My focus for Succulents was first hand to fill out empty, very dry and sunny spots in my garden. I had to change my mind when I realized how much you can actually do. If you are interesting in learning more about Succulents, the US Succulent blogger Cassidy Tuttle has a great site called Succulents and Sunshine . If you would like to surf on European sites or check on online shopping etc, I recommend the following link to Cactus Plaza. Or in Germany: at Pasiora or in the UK, inform yourself on RHS site. Or simply my ideas on Pinterest: