To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow
Audrey Hepburn
Each Garden A Story
Gardening is the slowest of the performing arts. Nothing becomes more true than when you visit private and public gardens around the world. Every time you will notice something new to admire, it will change depending of the time of the year or depending upon weather. Garden visits are not only inspiring, but also relaxing. You can do it together with friends or alone – it’s all up to you. This is my first selection to you – and more will come. Promise.
Additional recommended trips can be found under the section Explore.
Your Lena

Sissinghurst Garden,
England, UK
When I started with Gardening, I had no ideas of that there are other Gardeners that could have a passion for “White Gardens” too. First I was disappointed – which quickly changed into interest as I realized what other Gardeners had created. I have secured that the most famous “White Garden” – the Sissinghurst Garden in the UK – became the first of my “Garden Portrait” list!

Insel Mainau,
Southern Germany
A little more than an 1 hours from my home, on the other side of the border – you will find the Island Mainau in southern Germany. Thanks to the special weather conditions, you find a diversity of flowers seldom seen. In spring there are over 1 millions of Tulips (from 450 different species) or around 1200 different Roses in summer and in fall, you can gaze at the 12000 Dahlias. Every time you visit this island, you discover something new!
My Garden
outside Zurich - Switzerland
I started with an empty property, with nothing but the house and a road. I had a vision of a compact, green and white garden retrait.
At that time, I had never heard or visited famous gardens – and maybe this was good… This way, I was able to put my own finger-print on the garden, which I call: “Structural Romantic”. Interested? Yes – go ahead and click.