IN gardening
"The Garden Idea" - News, ideas, hints & tips for your garden
Join me in exploring the world of gardening here at The Garden Idea.
I share content from my own garden, but also from gardens I have visited and from garden shows around the world. Here and on Instagram I share videos with ‘hints & tricks’ on how to create a better and mindful garden.
Welcome to the next generation of gardening.
Your Lena

Garden & Plant
Trends 2022
It’s a lot out there – this is what I see is coming up or will continue to grow.
1. Mindful Gardening
Organic has been a word for many years when it comes to growing your own, and this year this will be extended to all activities in the garden.
Sustainability is the key word and goes beyond organic. It also includes the practice of physical, cultural and biological control before the use of pesticides and herbicides. This also include the re-cycle and up-cycle before buying new plants, products and tools.
Sustainability is the key word to reach Mindfulness in the garden.
2. Bright and Blooming Plants in 2022:
Bright and colorful beddings are foreseen to be in during 2022. A lots of Blue and Purple according to the Primrose report.
The Flower Council Holland predict the trend Bright and Breezy with a lots of powerful pastel variations of pink, blue, mint green and pale orange. Garden plants will be Sage, Garden Ferns, Cosmea, Hosta, Aquilegia, Anemones, Clematis and Helleborus.
The Perennial Plant Association in the US has named the ornamental grass Little Bluestem to become the Perennial plant of the year 2022. The latin name is Schizachyrium scoparium and its cultivars.
The last Trend forecast comes from Victoria Skoglund in Sweden from Zetas Garden. She has forecasted that the Poppies and Cosmeas will be the runner of the year.
3. Zero Waste – “Bokashi”- Composting.
Bokashi – your own ‘indoor’ compost. Make your own power compost within 6 weeks filled with micro-organisms.
Not only greens can be used during the fermentation – all the left-overs, pasta, rice, meat and greens. Coming closer to Zero Waste..and living sustainability.

Hints and tips -
For most of us, the winter is calmer and you will be able to prepare for the season. However there are still some works to do:
When you protect the plants with fir branches it’s not only against the cold. In many cases you need to protect fully hardy plants against the sun! When the winter sun is shining on for example the roses, the unusually warm weather may cause the plant to thaw prematurely.
Early January, I always re-use my christmas tree as per the linked video.
In February you can prune trees and shrubs. Start with shrubs like Hibiscus, Hydrangeas and Clematis. For Clematis, double check which pruning group your Clematis belongs too. This links explains the different pruning groups (RHS).
In March you can start with the Buxus and Lavender. Early march, once the Forsythia is starting to bloom in my garden, I start to prune the Roses.

Inspiration to follow
on Instagram
Inspiration is all we need…
So keep on dreaming and have a look at some of these accounts on Instagram. The photo shows though my garden in June…
1. My white garden by Evalill – a charming and contemporary white garden located in the south of Sweden and open for public 1-2x times per year. She is using materials that can be bought by most of us and the works are done by herself and her husband.
2. Is this the most beautiful Swiss private garden?
Evelines_gartenliebe shows a well planned and a balanced garden – with the exception that she is not a designer nor a millionaire. Created by herself and her husband. I have visited the garden myself, and it’s even more beautiful in reality than on the instagram posts.
3. Katrins garden is all in german, but the posts needs no words. She has tons of tips in her stories on how to manage and take care of your garden. She is very active one of the main Green Influencer in Germany. She is also doing all the planting and work herself.
4. The potagerblog by Linda in Oklahoma in the USA. How I love her deep green garden! She is one of “us” a self-thought gardener, writer, blogger. In her videos she shares practical and stylish ways to keep your garden up to date.
3. Charlotte Rowes gardens in the UK. WOW factor – and one of my favorite sources of inspiration. Can’t afford it – but dreaming if free of charge. No doubt, she is of course an award winning english garden designer.
5. Claus Dalby is probably the most charming site – flower in abundance from his garden in Denmark. He is regularly doing live videos, walking around in his garden. His masses of container plants, bulbs etc are legendary in the meantime.